Monday, November 30, 2009

Start All Over Again

Since comments still aren't working on this, despite my attempts to do everything I can to fix this piece of crap, I present you with Uncreative Writing 2.0
New blog-Check it out!
I'll be updating on there from now on. I'll make it prettier and de-default info it when I have the energy and patience.

Day 30-Terrible

Yes, I missed another day. I'm already guaranteed to not win a prize. Whatever. I finish NaNo and that's enough for me. I posted on this blog for 28 out of 30 days. Deal with it. It's as good as it's going to get. Things will be a lot less consistent until next November. I'll put myself on the December blog roll but... every day with no incentive? I predict failure.
I am incredibly tired and I'm not entirely sure why. I did have some trouble falling asleep last night, but not that much. After lunch I started getting sleepy. Yearbook stole the last of my energy.
Luckily I had no homework that's due tomorrow that I haven't done yet. Sp I looked at dorms, college class descriptions, and clubs. If I go to Irvine I will join Dumbledore's Anteaters. No question there.
I'm ready for college and sleep. Since I keep zoning out and staring at my squirrel curtains I think this is a good place to stop.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

As of 10:25 PM...


50,001 baby.

Day 28- Less Serious

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

I can't leave things on a serious note. So... Ihasahotdog for everyone.
Things to talk about:

  • Blog comments still may or may not be working. That layout really screwed things up. I checked all my settings and went back to this layout. Hopefully it will accept comments again.
  • I'm far enough ahead on NaNo that I don't even need to write today. But I will. I have less than 3,100 words to go. I could finish today but... I probably won't. There will probably be a few words left over for tomorrow. I will be done by Monday for sure. Yay!!!!!!
  • My awesome new curtains are finished. They have squirrels, rabbits, and foxs that look like roadkill on them. They also make my room dark like a cave. Yay again!!

Day 28- Rant

I couldn't find a short enough way to comment on Five Blondes- Disabilities Are Not Uncool, so I figured this warranted a post of its own.
I'd like to pride myself on being accepting and understanding. Yes, I'm one of those liberal Californians.
I don't use the words "retarded" or "gay" as insults. They're not politically correct, they're not insults, and words like that hurt so many people. Likewise, I do not believe in using the N-word ever. It's an insult to an entire race. Blacks did not choose to be enslaved. People with mental disabilities did not choose to have them.
Erica was absolutely right. Having epilepsy is not something to joke about. In 7th grade, there was a guy in several of my classes who I assume had epilepsy. He was on medication and had it under control until puberty hit and I guess the medicine was no longer doing the job it needed to. As far as I know, no one knew about his condition until he had a seizure in the middle of science. No one had any idea what was going on, and yeah, we were all pretty freaked out and scared. That wasn't the last seizure he had during school that year. One day during P.E. he was hit by a dodgeball and had another seizure. I remember at least one person crying. You couldn't be in a class when one of the seizures occured and not be shaken up by it. I'm sure no one would have considered it a laughing matter. And if someone had joked about it, I'm sure they would have had to deal with an  angry mob.
One of my friends had... I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it was some sort of tumor like thing in her brain. I didn't know her until after this. It caused her to have seizures and she had surgery for it. This messed up her senior year. As a result, she's currently in her second year of community college and is now in the mindset where she's scared of transferring to a regular college. I'll also never forget how she complained about not being able to do a forward roll because she was afraid she would hit her head. Of course, she also thought I was from Afghanistan when I'm half Caucasian and half Japanese.
So no, I don't think epilepsy is a laughing matter.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 27

NaBloPoMo is coming to an end. I've been thinking a lot lately about life after November. It's hard to believe that there's a life beyond NaNo and NaBloPoMo.
I'm not going to update daily after the end of the month but I'm going to try and be diligent and keep the blog fairly up to date. If I start slacking then this blog is going to die just like all the others I've started over the years.
Script Frenzy is in April. I was planning on completing that and NaNo this year, and I still want to. I already have my plot ready for it that's been waiting for weeks now. I'm worried that I'm not going to win that though. November was bad enough. April has testing and I'm going to have more extracurricular activities going on. I'll try my best but I'm already setting myself up for failure. Which is, of course, not a good sign.
Of course, next November is going to be hectic too but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'll have an easier and less demanding schedule. I won't procrastinate on my college apps. I'll be able to handle it. I think. I hope. I have to try it at least. I've actually already got the base for that ready, and it's going to be epic. It's a good thing I have 12 months to plan because I'm going to need that time to get my foundation ready. Next year will be so much more organized and prepared.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 26- Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm set up for the morning. Sitting on the couch with my laptop watching the parade. I'll start writing soon. Now Im more excited about being caught up again than I was last night.
Another small Thanksgiving this year. Just my grandpa and my uncle coming over this year. My grandma and other uncle were just done here last week so they're not going to be here. Holidays have always been small at our house compared to my friends'. No cousins, no aunts, and now I just have two grandparents. Plus I'm an only child. Holidays always make me wish I had a larger family. My dad's supposed to have several birth siblings. There's something missing.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Random Excited Newsflash

I've passed up the daily word goal again! I've finally caught back up after having to skip writing for three days the other week. Don't ask me when it was. I don't remember.
Thank you Write or Die. I would have never been able to do this without you. I'd like to write out a better, longer, more sarcastic and witty fake acceptance speech but over 3,000 words and and hour and a half later I don't have it in me anymore.
The first time I passed up the goal I was excited. It was one of those I can do anything kind of feelings. This time I'm just relieved to be caught back up. I can finish this now. Unlike NaBloPoMo, NaNo will be a success.

Day 25- Update

Oh wow. I feel like an idiot now. My blog was broken. Last time I use random internet blog layouts.

Day 25- Fail

I actually did it.
I missed a day of blogging. 23 days of perfection and I forget a day. To anyone that may be reading this (which is probably no one) I feel like I should explain it, even though there are no excuses as we call know.
Yesterday I broke tradition and decided to write first and blog later. Which of course turned into me forgetting to update my blog. I thought about it this morning but I thought I had remembered to post. And... I hadn't.
Oh well. There goes my chances of winning a prize. Now I'd better win NaNo or I'm going to be pissed at myself.
Also, Happy Turkey Day tomorrow!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 23

Is my blog broken or what? I feel a little bad having started the Comment for a Comment group on NaBloPoMo and then...not receiving the comments I was hoping for. Of course, I haven't been the most dedicated commenter either. This week I'll go through the group list and start commenting it up. Maybe that'll inspire some people. And hopefully reading this post will complete the job.
As of yesterday I'm at 34,292. Still, sadly, behind the goal, but I'm getting there. I managed to crank out 2,000 words last night. I'm hoping to hit 3,000 one day this week, but we'll see. Don't want to jinx it.
Maybe I don't get comments because people can't relate to my life. I am younger than the average NaBloPoMo-er. I don't fit into the large majority (or what seems to be the majority) of bloggers. I'm not in my 20's and I'm not married. I'm just a 16 year old who is now the third wheel to her best friend and former crush. I can't drive without a parent. I don't have a credit card or a job (yet).
But still, I'm not that far apart from all those happily marrieds. They were me not too long ago. And just because you're an adult doesn't mean your life has changed that much.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 22

Another not very long post today. I'm going to a pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner tonight and I haven't written anything yet today. So an hour or so of writing and then I've got to get going.
I'm looking forward to seeing my other friend's reactions to finding out about the date on Monday. That'll be...interesting.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 21

Today was far more relaxed and mind melting than yesterday, thank god. Might be going over to help my friend pick out what she's going to where for her date with Mr. Questions My Authority and Knowledge. I'm maintaining my sanity. After that conversation yesterday it turned into me being frustrated about him being so annoying. And random little text conversations with a more intelligent guy friend have been very calming.
Not much to talk about today. I slept in until 9 something, which is amazing for me. I'm always an early waker but after the last week I needed some sleep. Watched some TV, did some APUSH notes, drove to Wendy's, spent too much time on Facebook. Not much else to say. Hopefully tonight I'll write more than the daily word goal. I was too distracted yesterday. My two hours on Write or Die were not as successful as they should have been. I need to have a brainstorming session soon. The inspiration river is starting to run dry.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 20 or the Frying Pan Day

Sweet holy mother of Jesus on toast wearing pants. Today was... Is that sentence good enough for you? I'm not even going to talk about NaNo today because there are so many more interesting and worthwhile things to talk about.
The shit hit the fan today, people. Oh, did it hit it...
We're going to start with story time.
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The girl liked the boy. The boy seemed to be oblivious. Two years later, Girl lost interest in Boy after an extremely awkward time waiting alone together for their friends to come watch a French movie with them. Girl realized Boy would not do if they couldn't conduct a conversation when no one else was around. Girl's beliefs were reaffirmed by equally awkward IM sessions. Girl mostly gave up on Boy. Of course then Girl's best friend since childhood decided she also liked Boy. Girl's interest in Boy slightly came back, but Girl would only accept Boy if Boy made the first move. Girl's interest in Boy fluctuated. Girl knew that this wasn't the end of the story. Friend and Boy continue to have a far more interesting and relaxed relationship. Girl gives up on Boy again.
Then, one day, Girl receives a note from Friend. Girl has feeling of dread. Long story (a page long note) short, Friend and Boy have finally admitted feelings and are on same page. Girl doesn't know what to say. Girl feels happy for Friend but also awkward and confused. After school, Girl has another feeling of dread. When she reaches Girl and Friend's lockers, Girl sees Friend and Boy. Girl has awkward conversation with Boy's Friend about how someone carved a drawing of a penis onto the front of her locker while Friend and Boy have a nice long hug session.
Later, Girl tries to be supportive and offers to give Boy inside information. After hours of beating information into Boy's head and feeling like Dear Abby, she realizes that he is, in fact, dumb shit and the most ridiculous person in existance. Girl lets Friend have Boy. Good luck with that, Friend. Maybe 10 years from now Boy will have finally asked you out.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 19

I'm now slightly over 2,000 words behind where I should be. The joys of skipping out on writing for...two days? It was only two, wasn't it? The past two days I've averaged over 2,000 in an hour. Tomorrow I'm going to try and write for two hours. I should be caught up, or nearly caught up if my brain implodes or my fingers fall off.
I've written barely anything about my day-to-day life so far in my blog. Everything has been NaNo or homework centered pretty much. Not that I'm that interesting, or I really care about my friendly blog reading creepers reading about my daily activities but still.
I'll try and fix that after I get caught back up with NaNo. I miss being ahead of the daily word goal.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 18

I have finally managed to complete my daily homework and maintain my sanity for the first time this week. Not a long post today. I'm going to go Write or Die. I'm hoping to get around 2,000 words in the next hour. Or at least the daily requirement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 17- No End in Sight

Another long day of homework ahead of me. I finished with today's work. Showetime next. Maybe I'll be awake enough to write. We'll see. I feel bad about not writing the past couple days but... It's not like I'm functional enough to write anything decent after hours of homework. 2 minimum days, a weekend, and then 3 days off next week. I will catch up, no matter what.
Math homework and another terms connection project tomorrow. I'm not going to over-exert myself and do more words than I need to like last time. More than I even got credit for... Oops.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 16

Finally finished everything for the binder check. My eyes are so tired... And now I have terms to study. Gah.
Work tomorrow:
-Read...Thoreau excerpts and answer questions
-Entire rough draft of Scarlet Letter research paper [thanks to my starting over with a new topic. Had 3 paragraphs written of old version. But might reconstruct based on that.]
-Maybe some French HW?
-Chem worksheet thingy?

Don't know, don't want to think about it. Can it be Thursday now?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 15

Having one of those awful headache days. I'm skipping NaNo tonight to watch an old Disney movie and maybe fall asleep early. I've spent the whole weekend doing homework...
I feel bad about skipping after that email from I think my MLs about not slacking off and falling behind but... I think I'm going to have to tonight and tomorrow. My head hurts too much to write tonight and I still have so much work to do tomorrow. I've got minimum days at the end of this week and Thanksgiving break next week. I can catch up. I will catch up.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 14- Kids these days

Alright, so more about yesterday while I try and warm my feet back up. Damn California and its lack of seasons. If it's going to be cold and you're going to call it winter, at least rain or snow.
For my second observation, I watched the elementary school get out for half an hour. With my best friend, I sat on a camping chair in the middle of my lawn, watching small children and writing about what clothes they were wearing. It was as creepy as it sounds. The best part, however, came towards the end when a school bus drove by. A boy, who was probably 6, who was sitting in the back of the bus stuck his hand out the window and flipped us off.
I'm having another one of those frustrated days. I'm just tired of so many things. If we could move right now I would not have a problem with it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 13- Creeper Friday

Really behind tonight. So, today was Friday the 13th. And I had two tests... Felt pretty good about the history one but I failed on my algebra one. Gah. Yearbook made up for that. We had a sub who did nothing, as good Yearbook subs do. Watched Lady Gaga music videos, listened to songs from Glee, and spent the whole class just looking at pictures and saving them.
Gotta go Write-or-Die! I'll write more about today tomorrow, ok?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 12

Crap. Starting off later than I normally do. I'm not really in a writing mood tonight but I know I have to. I'm at a more intense and pivotal point. Maybe that's why. But if I don't write it now I'm never going to. I'm not as far ahead as I was two days ago since I wasn't that prolific last night. Can't fall behind now.
I have to do another observation tomorrow for English. I'm going to sit on the lawn after school gets out tomorrow and watch people across the street at the elementary school. I've got a ton of homework and projects going on this weekend. Maybe next weekend I can get really ahead on my word count.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 11- Hook Ass

Yes, you read that title correctly the first time. Today, to honor all our veterans and getting a day off, we went on a family field trip to IKEA. We brought my grandpa along to get him out of the house (and he is a veteran. Even if he was the cook and never actually fought...) I chauffered the fam over to the Swedish Mothership, probably my longest drive yet. There, we continually saw these awesome hooks that were shaped like dog butts. Of course we had to have them. They're perfect for hanging leashes on, and who doesn't want a pair of dog butts hanging off their wall?
After having a lunch of Wednesday Rib Specials and Lingonberry Drink [Is it supposed to be soda?] we made our way down to the first floor AKA the warehouse. AKA where you should spend more of your time, as it's where you actually buy things. Even though I love running around and testing out all the chairs and faucets... Anyways, we picked out two leash hooks. A red one and a black one to represent our real dog butts. [As in the butts of our dogs. Not that our butts are like dog butts.] We got in line. We self-checked.
And after my dad scanned in the first hook I looked at the display and cracked up. Because you know what? Those dog butt hooks rang up as B-stis Hook Ass.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 10

I'm feeling too young for everything right now. Demetri Martin is going to be in San Francisco and I found out on Facebook weeks ago that you can sign up to get free tickets to see him film his show. Only you have to be 18 to watch.
I can't wait for the days when I can buy things online for myself. I can't wait to be financially independent (which I know I'll end up regretting) or at least partially. I would love to send in a commission to Lora Innes. Having a picture drawn by her... Maybe it's not worth the $40-$65 but still. Writing this is bringing me down.
I can't have everything. But I'm so far successfully completing NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo. I'm maintaining my over the daily goal word count. Things are good in my life.
But you can't help wishing.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 9

War chapters are the worst for taking notes on. The other chapters you can pick through the information and skip over things more. But wars? All the big battles and dates and generals... The Civil War just took me 4 pages front and back and the majority of the front of a 5th page. I don't think any of my APUSH notes have gone onto a fifth page yet, and we're on Chapter 14.
Random fact of the day that I knew: Adis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia. One of the main characters in a favorite series has a younger sister that's adopted from Ethiopia and the main character travels to Ethiopia in the second book.
Still ahead of DWG in NaNo! I'm starting a bit later tonight, but I've only got 850 words to be at the goal tonight. Writing time! Tomorrow is my first Friday since I have Wednesday off.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 8

My Real Lives diaries have taken over my blog...
Drumroll, please...

Last night I not only met the daily word goal for NaNo for the first time, but I passed it up! 12,324 words, baby. Only 27,676 words remaining! I'm so proud of myself. I've got a leg up on keeping up with the goal tonight. I'm already planning for getting my free copy of my manuscript from Createspace.
It's not much (compared to some people who are going for over 50,000 words. And already have passed that 50,000 words up...) but it's just where I want to be right now. Yay!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Real Lives- Guadeloupe

0 years old

I was born a girl in the city of Netzahualcóyotl in the state of Distrito Federal in Mexico.

My parents have named me Guadalupe. My surname is Anton. My mother, Monica, is 23 and my father, Ernesto, is 27. I have no brothers or sisters.

My mother is now working as a seamstress.

1 year old

Moved to a nicer place.

Brother Teofilo born.

2 years old


Sister Clarita born.

3 years old

Civil war in Querétaro state.

4 years old

I suffered a case of food poisoning.

Brother Aldo born.

My brother Teofilo has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

5 years old

My father has become an alcoholic.

My father has died at age 33 from AIDS.

6 years old

Moved to a less expensive place.

Began school.

My brother Teofilo began school.

My brother Aldo has suffered an epileptic seizure.

7 years old

My sister Clarita began school.

8 years old

9 years old

My brother Teofilo has roundworms.

My brother Aldo began school.

10 years old

11 years old


12 years old

13 years old

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Armando Serra.

Decided not to pursue a relationship with Armando Serra.

My brother Teofilo has been cured of ascariasis.

14 years old

15 years old

16 years old

A major volcanic eruption has hit Mexico. 16 people have died and 21,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

My country is involved in a major war abroad. 3,195 Mexican soldiers have been killed.

My sister Clarita's boyfriend Vicente is now working as a laborer.

17 years old

Met a new boy I like very much, named Rafael Perez.

Rejected by Rafael Perez.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Ramiro Gonzales.

We've begun seeing each other.

Began work as a food processing worker.

My mother has hookworm.

My boyfriend Ramiro has given up drinking.

18 years old

Graduated from secondary school.

Failed the college entrance examinations.

Need to look for a job.

Began work as an administrative aid.

My mother has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My brother Teofilo has graduated from secondary school.

My brother Teofilo is now working as a handicraft worker.

My brother Aldo is now working as a laborer.

19 years old

My boyfriend Ramiro and I are now engaged.

The engagement is over but my boyfriend Ramiro and I are still seeing each other.

Ramiro Gonzales broke off our relationship.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Raul Gamboa.

We've begun seeing each other.

Denied a raise.

My sister Clarita has graduated from secondary school.

My sister Clarita is now doing temporary odd jobs.

20 years old

A major volcanic eruption has hit Mexico. 36 people have died and 26,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Not accepted in vocational school.

Raul and I are now engaged!.


My sister Clarita has moved out on her own.

My boyfriend Raul is now doing temporary odd jobs.

21 years old

Raul Gamboa and I got married this year.

Moved away from home.

Daughter Alma born.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aldo is now working as a shoemaker.

My husband Raul is now working as a assembler.

22 years old

Donated to a disaster relief charity.


Received a 7% pay raise.

My brother Teofilo has moved out on his own.

My brother Teofilo is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My brother Aldo's girlfriend Alma is now working as a handicraft worker.

My daughter Alma has died at age 2 from tetanus.

23 years old

Son Bernardo born.


My brother Teofilo is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

My brother Aldo has moved out on his own.

24 years old

Daughter Catalina born.

Denied a raise.


My sister Clarita is now working as a restaurant services worker.

My brother Aldo is now working as a metal worker.

My husband Raul has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

25 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.


Daughter Dominga born.

Received a 1% pay raise.


26 years old

Son Emilio born.


Received a 1% pay raise.

Moved to Tepic.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aldo is now working as a garbage collector.

My son Bernardo has had malaria.

My husband Raul has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

27 years old

Son Felipe born.

Denied a raise.


Moved to Monterrey.

Moved to Chihuahua.

Moved to Morelia.

Moved to Durango.

Moved to Chihuahua.

Blanca Aguilar and my brother Aldo are now engaged to be married.

Blanca Aguilar and my brother Aldo have married.

My husband Raul has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My husband Raul has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

28 years old

Son Guillermo born.

Received a 1% pay raise.

Daughter Imelda born.

My son Bernardo began school.

My husband Raul has given up drinking.

29 years old

A major volcanic eruption has hit Mexico. 5 people have died and 21,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

Denied a raise.


Not accepted in vocational school.

My daughter Catalina began school.

My son Emilio has had measles.

30 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Son Jesus born.

Denied a raise.


My daughter Dominga began school.

My son Jesus has had measles.

31 years old

Son Lorenzo born.

Denied a raise.

Received a 1% pay raise.


My son Emilio began school.

32 years old

Daughter Luz born.

Received a 4% pay raise.


My daughter Dominga has trichuriasis (whip worm).

My son Felipe began school.

33 years old

Daughter Margarita born.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My daughter Dominga has been cured of trichuriasis.

My son Guillermo began school.

My daughter Imelda began school.

My son Jesus has been caught in a fire and suffered minor burns over 10% of the body. Luckily there was no permanent debilitating injury.

34 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Received a 1% pay raise.

35 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Received a 1% pay raise.

Not accepted in vocational school.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My son Jesus began school.

36 years old

A major volcanic eruption has hit Mexico. 6 people have died and 19,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

My country is involved in a small scale military intervention abroad. 491 Mexican soldiers have been killed.

Denied a raise.

My daughter Imelda has roundworms.

My son Lorenzo began school.

37 years old

I have hookworm.

Moved to the United States.

Moved to Elizabeth.

Began work as an administrative aid.

Imelda Cardenas and my brother Teofilo are now engaged to be married.

My son Bernardo is now working as a trader of used goods.

My son Felipe has asthma.

My daughter Imelda has been cured of ascariasis.

My son Jesus has lymphoma.

My daughter Luz began school.

My husband Raul is now doing temporary odd jobs.

38 years old

Cured of ancylostomiasis.


Received a 3% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Not accepted in vocational school.

My son Bernardo is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

My daughter Catalina is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My son Jesus has died at age 9 lymphoma.

My daughter Margarita began school.

39 years old

Received a 3% pay raise.

Sara born to Blanca Aguilar

My son Bernardo's girlfriend Magdalena has graduated from secondary school.

My son Bernardo's girlfriend Magdalena is now working as a handicraft worker.

My son Emilio has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

40 years old

Received a 1% pay raise.

My son Bernardo has moved out on his own.

My son Bernardo's girlfriend Magdalena began college.

In spite of spending extra hours studying, Your son Bernardo's girlfriend Magdalena has been placed on academic probation.

41 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My mother has arthritis of the knee.

Magdalena Navarro and my son Bernardo are now engaged to be married.

Magdalena Navarro and my son Bernardo have married.

My daughter Dominga's boyfriend Claudio has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Dominga's boyfriend Claudio began college.

My son Felipe is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My son Guillermo has asthma.

My husband Raul is now working as a handicraft worker.

42 years old

Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My mother has ischemic heart disease.

My mother is now working as a part-time temporary odd jobs.

My daughter Catalina has died at age 19 in a road traffic accident.

My daughter Catalina's boyfriend Orlando has graduated from college with a degree in German.

My daughter Catalina's boyfriend Orlando has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My daughter Catalina's boyfriend Orlando is now working as a business service agent.

My daughter Dominga has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Dominga is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My son Felipe is now working as a shoemaker.

My son Guillermo is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

43 years old

Denied a raise.

My mother has diabetes.

My mother has died at age 67 from a heart attack.

My son Bernardo's wife Magdalena has been placed on academic probation.

My son Emilio has graduated from secondary school.

My son Emilio began college.

My son Emilio's girlfriend Imelda has graduated from secondary school.

My son Emilio's girlfriend Imelda is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My son Guillermo has been involved in a road traffic accident and suffered a broken femur. The injury has resulted in no permanent damage, however.

44 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Received a 6% pay raise.

My son Bernardo is now working as a garbage collector.

My daughter Catalina's boyfriend Orlando has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My daughter Dominga has moved out on her own.

My son Emilio's girlfriend Imelda began college.

In spite of spending extra hours studying, Your son Emilio's girlfriend Imelda has been placed on academic probation.

My son Guillermo's girlfriend Carmen has graduated from secondary school.

My son Guillermo's girlfriend Carmen began college.

My daughter Imelda's boyfriend Jorge has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Imelda's boyfriend Jorge began college.

My son Lorenzo has asthma.

45 years old

My country is involved in a major war abroad. 26,745 American soldiers have been killed.

My son Felipe has become an alcoholic.

My son Felipe has moved out on his own.

My son Guillermo has moved out on his own.

My daughter Imelda has given up drinking.

My daughter Imelda has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Imelda began college.

In spite of spending extra hours studying, Your daughter Imelda has been placed on academic probation.

My daughter Imelda's boyfriend Jorge has been placed on academic probation.

46 years old

Denied a raise.

My brother Aldo has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My son Bernardo's wife Magdalena has graduated from college with a degree in German.

My son Bernardo's wife Magdalena has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My son Bernardo's wife Magdalena is now working as a computer programmer.

My daughter Dominga is now working as a seamstress.

My son Emilio has been placed on academic probation.

Carmen Marin and my son Guillermo are now engaged to be married.

Carmen Marin and my son Guillermo have married.

47 years old

Invested 100 dollars in a bank account.

Invested 50 dollars in jewelry.

Denied a raise.

Luz Contreras and my brother Teofilo are now engaged to be married.

My sister Clarita has diabetes.

My daughter Dominga has asthma.

Jorge Balbo and my daughter Imelda have married.

48 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Denied a raise.

Luz Contreras and my brother Teofilo are now engaged to be married.

Patricio Ugarte and my daughter Dominga have married.

My son Emilio has graduated from college with a degree in Psychology.

My son Emilio began graduate school.

Lourdes Valenzuela and my son Emilio have married.

My son Felipe has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My son Guillermo's wife Carmen has graduated from college with a degree in Pre-Med.

My son Guillermo's wife Carmen has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My son Guillermo's wife Carmen is now working as a secondary school teacher.

My son Lorenzo has graduated from secondary school.

My son Lorenzo began college.

My son Lorenzo has been placed on academic probation.

49 years old


Received a 7% pay raise.

Luz Contreras and my brother Teofilo have married.

My son Emilio's wife Lourdes has been cured of depression.

My daughter Imelda's husband Jorge has graduated from college with a degree in Pre-Law.

My daughter Imelda's husband Jorge has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My daughter Imelda's husband Jorge is now working as a business service agent.

My daughter Luz has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Luz is now working as a seamstress.

50 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Received a 6% pay raise.

My son Emilio's wife Lourdes has graduated from graduate school with an advanced degree in Architecture.

My son Emilio's wife Lourdes is now working as a secondary school teacher.

My son Felipe has given up drinking.

My daughter Imelda has moved out on her own.

My daughter Imelda has graduated from college with a degree in German.

My daughter Imelda is now working as a writer.

My son Lorenzo's girlfriend Lucinda began college.

My daughter Luz has breast cancer.

My daughter Margarita has graduated from secondary school.

My daughter Margarita began college.

51 years old

My son Emilio has moved out on his own.

52 years old

Denied a raise.

My son Emilio has graduated from graduate school with an advanced degree in Psychology.

My son Emilio is now working as a secondary school teacher.

53 years old

Received a 1% pay raise.

My son Lorenzo has graduated from college with a degree in Accounting.

My son Lorenzo has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My son Lorenzo is now working as a business service agent.

My son Lorenzo's girlfriend Isabel is now doing temporary odd jobs.

54 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Received a 1% pay raise.

My brother Teofilo has a peptic ulcer.

My daughter Dominga's husband Patricio has given up drinking.

My son Lorenzo has a peptic ulcer.

My daughter Margarita has graduated from college with a degree in Computer Science.

My daughter Margarita has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

My daughter Margarita is now working as a business service agent.

55 years old

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Not accepted in vocational school.

Quit my job.

Began work as a numerical clerk.

My brother Teofilo has suffered an epileptic seizure.

My son Lorenzo has been cured of depression.

My son Lorenzo has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My son Lorenzo has moved out on his own.

Isabel Cisneros and my son Lorenzo are now engaged to be married.

Isabel Cisneros and my son Lorenzo have married.

My son Lorenzo's wife Isabel is now working as a seamstress.

Teodoro Montoya and my daughter Margarita have married.

My daughter Margarita has moved out on her own.

My daughter Margarita's husband Teodoro has graduated from graduate school with an advanced degree in Architecture.

My daughter Margarita's husband Teodoro is now working as a writer.

56 years old

Received a 6% pay raise.

My son Bernardo has become an alcoholic.

Isabel born to Magdalena Navarro

My daughter Luz has been cured of breast cancer.

57 years old

A major fire has hit the United States. 2 people have died and 33,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Invested 500 dollars in a bank account.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My son Bernardo has given up drinking.

My son Lorenzo has been cured of peptic ulcer.

58 years old

Received a 2% pay raise.

59 years old

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Denied a raise.

Teresa born to Dominga Ugarte

Monica born to Lourdes Valenzuela

My son Lorenzo has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

My husband Raul has a peptic ulcer.

60 years old

Denied a raise.

Eugenio born to Lourdes Valenzuela

My husband Raul has ischemic heart disease.

61 years old

Received a 5% pay raise.

My sister Clarita has died at age 60 from diabetes.

62 years old

Received a 1% pay raise.

My brother Teofilo is now working as a part-time trader of used goods.

My daughter Dominga has rheumatoid arthritis.

Roberto born to Carmen Marin

My husband Raul has died at age 62 from a heart attack.

63 years old

Denied a raise.

Received a 3% pay raise.

My brother Teofilo has died at age 63 from a bleeding ulcer.

My brother Aldo's wife Blanca has diabetes.

Reynaldo born to Imelda Balbo

64 years old

Refused to invest in a risky deal to make money.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My brother Teofilo's wife Luz has diabetes.

My brother Aldo's wife Blanca has ischemic heart disease.

65 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aldo's wife Blanca has died at age 63 from a heart attack.

Aldo born to Lourdes Valenzuela

66 years old

Died at age 66 from a stroke.

Real Lives- Eliani

0 years old

I was born a girl in the city of Manado in Indonesia's Sulawesi Utara Province.

My parents have named me Eliani. My surname is Hermawan. My mother, Ai, is 22 and my father, Kraeng-Samarluka, is 22. I have a brother, Trunajaya, who is 3.

My mother is now working as a part-time laborer.

1 year old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 32 people have died and 1,100,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

2 years old

My brother Trunajaya began school.

3 years old

Sporadic localized fighting in Jambi province.

My mother is now working as a laborer.

4 years old


My mother is now working as a metal worker.

5 years old

I have a trichuriasis (whip worm) infection.

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 7 people have died and 2,500,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Sister Irma born.

6 years old

I have been cured of trichuriasis.

Began school.

7 years old

8 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 3 people have died and 360,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Heavy localized fighting in Nusa Tenggara Timur province.

Removed from school.

9 years old


Began work as a shoe cleaner.

10 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 3 people have died and 170,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My sister Irma began school.

11 years old

Received a 6% pay raise.

12 years old

Moved to a nicer place.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

My brother Trunajaya has been involved in a road traffic accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

13 years old

Moved to a less expensive place.

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 13 people have died and 390,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Meuthia Adhiwidjaja.

Decided not to pursue a relationship with Meuthia Adhiwidjaja.

My mother has been cured of depression.

14 years old

Met a new boy I like very much, named Sri Cahyono.

We've begun seeing each other.

My brother Trunajaya has graduated from secondary school.

My brother Trunajaya is now working as a handicraft worker.

15 years old

My brother Trunajaya has moved out on his own.

16 years old

Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Denied a raise.

Quit my job.

Began work as a painter.

My sister Irma is now doing temporary odd jobs.

17 years old

Helped out a beggar.

Ended relationship with Sri Cahyono.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Sartoro Rais.

We've begun seeing each other.

Denied a raise.

My brother Trunajaya has roundworms.

My sister Irma is now working as a handicraft worker.

My boyfriend Sartoro is now working as a assembler.

18 years old

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

My boyfriend Sartoro and I are now engaged.

Sartoro Rais and I got married this year.

Moved away from home.

My brother Trunajaya has been cured of ascariasis.

19 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 25 people have died and 1,100,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Received a 1% pay raise.

20 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

21 years old

22 years old

Denied a raise.

My sister Irma has moved out on her own.

My sister Irma is now working as a street vendor.

23 years old


24 years old

Son Rexi born.

My brother Trunajaya has been assaulted but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

25 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Quit my job.

Began work as a restaurant services worker.


26 years old

Volunteered in a local humanitarian effort.

Son Eko born.

Received a 6% pay raise.

My sister Irma's boyfriend Amir has become an alcoholic.

27 years old

My brother Trunajaya has given up drinking.

My son Rexi has had measles.

28 years old

Denied a raise.


My sister Irma is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

29 years old

Daughter Meuthia born.

My father has hookworm.

My son Rexi began school.

30 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Invested 3000000 rupiahs in low-risk stock.

Invested 5500000 rupiahs in low-risk mutual fund.

My father has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

31 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 4 people have died and 970,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

My father has hookworm.

My sister Irma has hookworm.

My son Eko began school.

32 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 7 people have died and 1,000,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Cashed in 2155296 rupiahs from low-risk stock.


Received a 2% pay raise.

My father has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My sister Irma has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

33 years old

Daughter Nining born.

34 years old

Cashed in 6938221 rupiahs from low-risk mutual fund.

Caught trying to sneak into Puerto Rico.

Leni Cahyono and my brother Trunajaya are now engaged to be married.

Leni Cahyono and my brother Trunajaya have married.

My son Rexi is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

My daughter Meuthia began school.

35 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Denied a raise.

36 years old

Received a 1% pay raise.

Received a 5% pay raise.

37 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 8 people have died and 140,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

My son Rexi has hookworm.

38 years old

My son Rexi has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My daughter Nining began school.

My son Mauliwarmadewa has trichuriasis (whip worm).

39 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 12 people have died and 720,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

My son Mauliwarmadewa has had measles.

My son Mauliwarmadewa has been cured of trichuriasis.

My son Mauliwarmadewa began school.

40 years old

Decided not to give money to charity.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Invested 300000 rupiahs in jewelry.

Invested 300000 rupiahs in jewelry.

Invested 3000000 rupiahs in jewelry.

Moved to Jakarta.

Denied a raise.

My mother has cervical cancer.

41 years old

My mother has died at age 64 from cervical cancer.

My brother Trunajaya has given up drinking.

My son Rexi has moved out on his own.

My daughter Nining is now doing temporary odd jobs.

42 years old

My brother Trunajaya has a peptic ulcer.

My son Rexi is now working as a metal worker.

My daughter Nining is now working as a handicraft worker.

43 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 31 people have died and 89,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Denied a raise.


My father is now working as a part-time temporary odd jobs.

My brother Trunajaya has been cured of peptic ulcer.

My son Eko has graduated from secondary school.

My son Eko is now doing temporary odd jobs.

44 years old

Son Budi born.

Received a 1% pay raise.

Your sister Irma's boyfriend Surapati has been disabled by leprosy

My son Eko is now working as a restaurant services worker.

45 years old

Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

Invested 6000000 rupiahs in bond fund.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My brother Trunajaya has ischemic heart disease.

My daughter Meuthia is now working as a trader of used goods.

46 years old

Received a 5% pay raise.

Surapati Setiaji and my sister Irma have married.

My daughter Meuthia is now doing temporary odd jobs.

My son Mauliwarmadewa is now working as a handicraft worker.

47 years old

My son Eko has a peptic ulcer.

My daughter Meuthia has moved out on her own.

My daughter Meuthia is now working as a assembler.

48 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 2 people have died and 1,300,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Denied a raise.

Ridwan Kartodirdjo and my son Rexi are now engaged to be married.

Ridwan Kartodirdjo and my son Rexi have married.

My son Budi has hookworm.

49 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 5 people have died and 470,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Received a 7% pay raise.

Invested 3000000 rupiahs in jewelry.

My brother Trunajaya has died at age 53 from a heart attack.

My sister Irma has tuberculosis.

My son Budi has been cured of ancylostomiasis.

My son Budi began school.

50 years old

Decided to give some money to charity.

My father has reduced vision from cataracts.

My sister Irma has been cured of tuberculosis.

My daughter Nining has moved out on her own.

My daughter Nining is now working as a street vendor.

51 years old

I have diabetes.

Denied a raise.

My father has died at age 74 from a heart attack.

My son Eko has been cured of peptic ulcer.

My son Eko has died at age 26 in a road traffic accident.

52 years old

I have hookworm.

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 2 people have died and 220,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Heavy localized fighting in Riau province.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Dyah Alijahbana and my son Mauliwarmadewa are now engaged to be married.

Dyah Alijahbana and my son Mauliwarmadewa have married.

My son Mauliwarmadewa is now working as a manufacturing laborer.

53 years old

Cured of ancylostomiasis.

I am suffering from clinical depression.

Denied a raise.

54 years old

A major fire has hit Indonesia. 4 people have died and 570,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

55 years old

I have been cured of depression.

Decided not to give money to charity.

Denied a raise.

My son Rexi's wife Ridwan has hookworm.

My husband Sartoro has died at age 56 from a heart attack.

56 years old

Died at age 56 from a stroke.

Day 7

7 days that I've managed to post every day for. Of course, my posts are far from being as long or witty as some peoples. Maybe I'm scared of using up my creativity and word count on my blog, and then when it comes time to work on my novel I'll have used up all that brain power.
Last night was majorly productive. I'm on the brink of 10,000 words. I'll work again tonight after dinner and maybe a movie. I'll probably try and get out of having to watch the movie. Some 90's DVD from the library (that probably doesn't work) is not nearly as important as those 50,000 words. And library movies are crappy. Back in the days of VCRs they were worse, of course. I remember one movie we checked out that was totally sun damaged or something and the movie was super bright and faded.
Chammy's chewing a rawhide on my foot right now. The local Target no longer carries the little bones that they love, but Chammy's fine with settling for the new long tubey rawhides. And of course, Gracie could care less, as long as she can steal Chammy's at some point. They both had their baths today so they're super smooth and fluffy. Gracie sheds like crazy after bathtime. It's incredibly annoying.
I played with two of my trial lives of Real Lives 2010 today. My dad bought me the full version but we need to work something out with the company since it's not working. As usual I copied out the diaries. I'll make seperate posts for them below. If you only feel like reading one, read Guadeloupe's. In Real Lives when you name your kids it gives you a list of names which are supposedly appropriate for the country you live in. I'm not so sure about that. Rexi is popular in Indonesia?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 6

I was unproductive yesterday. I need to force myself to write today. Today's supposed to be time to catch up, not slack off.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 5

I'm actually proud of myself. I've been really making progress with NaNo. I'm still not where I should be at, but every day I'm making that gap smaller and smaller. Left off at 6,172 last night. Just a quick post before I get to work for the day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 4

Went back to school today and sounded like Batman. It was layout dealine day for Yearbook so I felt obligated to go. Our scores would have been lower if I hadn't been there. Not because I'm talented or anything but because we really needed the third brain. We do have four people in our group, but let's just say she doesn't have the chugging work out skills that I do. Or really that much of a knowledge of how to use InDesign. She's our editor and critique person.
I am very proud of my NaNo progress from yesterday. Over 2,000 words! I was only 800 below the goal for yesterday. That was my normal word count the first two days, so I'll accept that. I'm going to do this. I have to. The first time I heard of NaNo was probably three years ago, and every year I managed to not start. I think last year I forgot about it until it was halfway through November.
Going to stop the entry here so I can go work on my word count!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 3

So, clearly I stayed home today. I'm determined to get caught up on work so I have more time for writing and more sanity. Already finished one assignment. I could really use some food now. My stomach is still operating on normal time, and hasn't adjusted to the change yet.
Wrote another 800 words last night for NaNo. I was really excited to be an active member of the forums, but I don't know anymore. It's fairly depressing as it shows peoples' wordcounts under their names. Let's just say my number is less than formidable. Someone was already up to 15,000. How the hell do you write that much in two days? Congratulations, you'll be done in a week. Maybe then you can sell your book and use the money to buy a life.
I'll probably post again later when I get some food in me. Maybe tonight when I can talk about how productive I was today.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 2

So, I ended up writing some 800 words yesterday. Only 1/2 what I should be averaging daily if I'm going to make the 50 k count. Whatever. I can catch up on the weekends and holidays.
I'm coming down with something. Possibly swine. Or the dachshund influenza. I've been congested the past week or so but it really climaxed today. Woke up with an even scratchier throat, and achey all over. It's just gotten worse. Hot chills, cough, head hurts, slightly nauseous, and I feel like I'm going to fall over all the time. I've got a test in english tomorrow, which I don't want to miss. I hate having to make up work. But... I'm really dying here. And it would give me a chance to catch up on homework and my word count maybe. Not sure if I'm feeling up to attempting any writing today, but I know I should.
I created an amazing...garment today. I call it a babushka cape. It's a blanket tied under your chin, and pulled so that you have a hood on top of your head. Way cooler than a Snugee. I still think I need to get matching Snugees for my dogs. They come with little collar tags that you can record messages into. Like "Hello, my name is Rover. I live at 123 Street. Please bring me home." Only my older dog, Chammy, flings herself at the door when she wants to come inside so she gets our attention. I just imagine the tag during this. "Hello, my name-Hello my-Hello-Hello-Hello." Like the dog in Up!
Plans for the evening:

  • Facebook game maintenance
  • dinner
  • shower
  • possibly writing a word or two
  • sleep

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 1

Words- 0
So... Unproductive with NaNo today. Did history homework this morning, went to Taco Bell and Target, patched up a book cover, watched an old SNL on the DVR and now I'm incredibly unmotivated to do anything. I'll possibly force myself to attempt to start writing since I don't want to work on the history documents analysis I need to get done before the binder check. My NaNo writing isn't going to be graded and it's okay if it's crappy.
Today a random man asked me if I worked at Target. I was not wearing a red shirt or tan pants. Have you ever seen a Target employee in a green shirt, jeans, and boots? What Target depraved land did that guy come from?