Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 30-Terrible

Yes, I missed another day. I'm already guaranteed to not win a prize. Whatever. I finish NaNo and that's enough for me. I posted on this blog for 28 out of 30 days. Deal with it. It's as good as it's going to get. Things will be a lot less consistent until next November. I'll put myself on the December blog roll but... every day with no incentive? I predict failure.
I am incredibly tired and I'm not entirely sure why. I did have some trouble falling asleep last night, but not that much. After lunch I started getting sleepy. Yearbook stole the last of my energy.
Luckily I had no homework that's due tomorrow that I haven't done yet. Sp I looked at dorms, college class descriptions, and clubs. If I go to Irvine I will join Dumbledore's Anteaters. No question there.
I'm ready for college and sleep. Since I keep zoning out and staring at my squirrel curtains I think this is a good place to stop.