Monday, November 30, 2009

Start All Over Again

Since comments still aren't working on this, despite my attempts to do everything I can to fix this piece of crap, I present you with Uncreative Writing 2.0
New blog-Check it out!
I'll be updating on there from now on. I'll make it prettier and de-default info it when I have the energy and patience.

Day 30-Terrible

Yes, I missed another day. I'm already guaranteed to not win a prize. Whatever. I finish NaNo and that's enough for me. I posted on this blog for 28 out of 30 days. Deal with it. It's as good as it's going to get. Things will be a lot less consistent until next November. I'll put myself on the December blog roll but... every day with no incentive? I predict failure.
I am incredibly tired and I'm not entirely sure why. I did have some trouble falling asleep last night, but not that much. After lunch I started getting sleepy. Yearbook stole the last of my energy.
Luckily I had no homework that's due tomorrow that I haven't done yet. Sp I looked at dorms, college class descriptions, and clubs. If I go to Irvine I will join Dumbledore's Anteaters. No question there.
I'm ready for college and sleep. Since I keep zoning out and staring at my squirrel curtains I think this is a good place to stop.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

As of 10:25 PM...


50,001 baby.

Day 28- Less Serious

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

I can't leave things on a serious note. So... Ihasahotdog for everyone.
Things to talk about:

  • Blog comments still may or may not be working. That layout really screwed things up. I checked all my settings and went back to this layout. Hopefully it will accept comments again.
  • I'm far enough ahead on NaNo that I don't even need to write today. But I will. I have less than 3,100 words to go. I could finish today but... I probably won't. There will probably be a few words left over for tomorrow. I will be done by Monday for sure. Yay!!!!!!
  • My awesome new curtains are finished. They have squirrels, rabbits, and foxs that look like roadkill on them. They also make my room dark like a cave. Yay again!!

Day 28- Rant

I couldn't find a short enough way to comment on Five Blondes- Disabilities Are Not Uncool, so I figured this warranted a post of its own.
I'd like to pride myself on being accepting and understanding. Yes, I'm one of those liberal Californians.
I don't use the words "retarded" or "gay" as insults. They're not politically correct, they're not insults, and words like that hurt so many people. Likewise, I do not believe in using the N-word ever. It's an insult to an entire race. Blacks did not choose to be enslaved. People with mental disabilities did not choose to have them.
Erica was absolutely right. Having epilepsy is not something to joke about. In 7th grade, there was a guy in several of my classes who I assume had epilepsy. He was on medication and had it under control until puberty hit and I guess the medicine was no longer doing the job it needed to. As far as I know, no one knew about his condition until he had a seizure in the middle of science. No one had any idea what was going on, and yeah, we were all pretty freaked out and scared. That wasn't the last seizure he had during school that year. One day during P.E. he was hit by a dodgeball and had another seizure. I remember at least one person crying. You couldn't be in a class when one of the seizures occured and not be shaken up by it. I'm sure no one would have considered it a laughing matter. And if someone had joked about it, I'm sure they would have had to deal with an  angry mob.
One of my friends had... I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it was some sort of tumor like thing in her brain. I didn't know her until after this. It caused her to have seizures and she had surgery for it. This messed up her senior year. As a result, she's currently in her second year of community college and is now in the mindset where she's scared of transferring to a regular college. I'll also never forget how she complained about not being able to do a forward roll because she was afraid she would hit her head. Of course, she also thought I was from Afghanistan when I'm half Caucasian and half Japanese.
So no, I don't think epilepsy is a laughing matter.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 27

NaBloPoMo is coming to an end. I've been thinking a lot lately about life after November. It's hard to believe that there's a life beyond NaNo and NaBloPoMo.
I'm not going to update daily after the end of the month but I'm going to try and be diligent and keep the blog fairly up to date. If I start slacking then this blog is going to die just like all the others I've started over the years.
Script Frenzy is in April. I was planning on completing that and NaNo this year, and I still want to. I already have my plot ready for it that's been waiting for weeks now. I'm worried that I'm not going to win that though. November was bad enough. April has testing and I'm going to have more extracurricular activities going on. I'll try my best but I'm already setting myself up for failure. Which is, of course, not a good sign.
Of course, next November is going to be hectic too but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'll have an easier and less demanding schedule. I won't procrastinate on my college apps. I'll be able to handle it. I think. I hope. I have to try it at least. I've actually already got the base for that ready, and it's going to be epic. It's a good thing I have 12 months to plan because I'm going to need that time to get my foundation ready. Next year will be so much more organized and prepared.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 26- Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm set up for the morning. Sitting on the couch with my laptop watching the parade. I'll start writing soon. Now Im more excited about being caught up again than I was last night.
Another small Thanksgiving this year. Just my grandpa and my uncle coming over this year. My grandma and other uncle were just done here last week so they're not going to be here. Holidays have always been small at our house compared to my friends'. No cousins, no aunts, and now I just have two grandparents. Plus I'm an only child. Holidays always make me wish I had a larger family. My dad's supposed to have several birth siblings. There's something missing.