Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 8

My Real Lives diaries have taken over my blog...
Drumroll, please...

Last night I not only met the daily word goal for NaNo for the first time, but I passed it up! 12,324 words, baby. Only 27,676 words remaining! I'm so proud of myself. I've got a leg up on keeping up with the goal tonight. I'm already planning for getting my free copy of my manuscript from Createspace.
It's not much (compared to some people who are going for over 50,000 words. And already have passed that 50,000 words up...) but it's just where I want to be right now. Yay!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on keeping pace with your goal!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for managing to stick to your goal!
I'm having a hard enough time with NaBloPoMo as it is; combining the two is blog suicide for me.