Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 10

I'm feeling too young for everything right now. Demetri Martin is going to be in San Francisco and I found out on Facebook weeks ago that you can sign up to get free tickets to see him film his show. Only you have to be 18 to watch.
I can't wait for the days when I can buy things online for myself. I can't wait to be financially independent (which I know I'll end up regretting) or at least partially. I would love to send in a commission to Lora Innes. Having a picture drawn by her... Maybe it's not worth the $40-$65 but still. Writing this is bringing me down.
I can't have everything. But I'm so far successfully completing NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo. I'm maintaining my over the daily goal word count. Things are good in my life.
But you can't help wishing.